



Yuri: Victor......

Victor: Yes?

Yuri: Have you ever heard about Edvin Marton?

Victory: Oh Yuri......I guess that you've forgot that I am from Saint Petersburg.

Yuri: Huh?

Victory: Evgeni Plushenko once trained in Saint Petersburg.

Yuri: ?

Victory: Should I be pleased about the fact that you've never kept your eyes off me——Och! I was just kidding!! Fine......I knew very well about the name...... The two of them were once a wonder.

Yuri: A wonder like you?

Victory: Jessus why you are so cute!!!! But to tell the truth, we were different. As you can see, Edvin was one of the greats in music. And Plushenko......He was perfect. By then he was the king on ice, so brilliant, so bright......They were the best in different worlds.

Yuri: And you are the best in mine.

Victor: Yuri, if you keep talking like this I'd——


Victor: Yuri...... For so many years I'd been asking myself a question...... How come they met each other? Was it fate? It was just a came across and then they knew just on the spot that they were going to do something great. Something that would be remember......And they did it.

Yuri: True art on ice.

Victor: Yeah. His soul was with him all the time. I could see in his programmes. I'd never thought that I'd ever be like that......

Yuri: Victor, I.....

Victor: Until I found you. It was you that brought me my love and life.

Yuri: (OMG what am I gonna say...)

